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Does CBD Get You High? Unravelling the Myth

There’s no denying that cannabis has had a complicated history, often associated with getting high and recreational use. However, CBD, a prominent compound found in cannabis plants, has emerged as a promising medicinal alternative. Despite this, many people still question whether CBD gets you high or has psychoactive effects. In this friendly guide, we aim to debunk the myths and provide a clear understanding of CBD’s properties and potential.

Firstly, it’s crucial to understand the differences between CBD and THC, another compound found in cannabis plants. While THC is notorious for its psychoactive effects, CBD does not produce the same mind-altering results. CBD is non-psychoactive and may offer potential therapeutic benefits.

Additionally, CBD is typically extracted from hemp plants with low THC content, meaning it may contain trace amounts of THC. However, reputable CBD brands adhere to strict quality control measures and follow legal limits for THC in their products.

By exploring the science behind CBD and its non-psychoactive nature, we can dispel any doubts and provide factual information about its potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD does not produce psychoactive effects or get you high.
  • CBD is typically extracted from hemp plants with low THC content, but trace amounts may still be present.
  • CBD offers potential therapeutic benefits as a promising cannabis medicine.
  • Choosing reputable CBD brands is essential to ensure quality and legal compliance.
  • Understanding proper dosage and safety considerations is crucial for safe and effective CBD use.

Understanding CBD and THC: A Side-by-Side Comparison

To answer the question, “does CBD get you high?”, we need to compare it with THC. CBD and THC are both cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. However, they differ in their chemical structure, psychoactive properties, and legal status.

Chemical Structure CBD has the same molecular formula as THC, but with a different arrangement of atoms. It is non-intoxicating and does not produce the euphoric effects associated with THC. THC has a similar chemical structure to the endocannabinoid neurotransmitter anandamide. It is the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, responsible for the “high” experienced by users.
Psychoactive Properties CBD is non-psychoactive and does not produce the mind-altering effects associated with THC. It may even counteract the psychoactive effects of THC. THC is psychoactive and produces the characteristic “high” associated with cannabis use. Its effects vary depending on the dose, method of consumption, and individual tolerance.
Legal Status CBD is legal in many countries, including the UK, as long as it is derived from hemp plants with less than 0.2% THC content. It is also available as a prescription medication for certain medical conditions. THC is a controlled substance in many countries, including the UK. Its possession, cultivation, and use without a prescription are illegal. However, some countries have legalized the medical and/or recreational use of cannabis.

By understanding these differences, we can clarify that CBD does not get you high. While THC is psychoactive and produces euphoric effects, CBD is non-intoxicating and may even counteract the psychoactive effects of THC.

Understanding CBD and THC: A Side-by-Side Comparison

To understand whether CBD gets you high, it’s essential to compare it with THC, another prominent compound found in cannabis plants. We’ll delve into the differences in chemical structure, psychoactive properties, and legal status, providing a clear distinction between the two cannabinoids.

  • CBD and THC are both cannabinoids found in cannabis plants
  • CBD has the same molecular formula as THC, but with a different arrangement of atoms.
  • CBD is non-intoxicating and does not produce the euphoric effects associated with THC.
  • THC is psychoactive and produces the characteristic “high” associated with cannabis use.
  • CBD is legal in many countries, including the UK, as long as it is derived from hemp plants with less than 0.2% THC content.
  • THC is a controlled substance in many countries, including the UK.

By understanding these differences, it’s clear that CBD does not get you high. While THC is psychoactive and produces euphoric effects, CBD is non-intoxicating and may even counteract the psychoactive effects of THC.

Exploring CBD’s Non-Psychoactive Nature

Many people are hesitant to try CBD, fearing that it will get them high. However, that is not the case. Unlike THC, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, meaning it will not alter your state of mind or behaviour.

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the body in a different way to THC. It influences neurotransmitters and receptors, promoting balance and homeostasis without causing the euphoric sensation associated with THC.

While CBD may have potential therapeutic benefits, it does not produce mind-altering effects. Rather, it offers a natural alternative for those seeking relief from various conditions without the psychoactive effects that come with THC-containing products.

Therefore, it’s important to debunk the myth that CBD gets you high, and to understand that it is a non-psychoactive compound that is safe to use.

Does CBD Contain THC?

One of the main concerns for those considering using CBD is whether it contains THC, the psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants that causes a “high.” While CBD is typically extracted from hemp plants with low THC content, trace amounts may still be present in some CBD products.

The legal limit for THC in CBD products varies by country and region, with some jurisdictions allowing up to 0.3% THC in hemp-derived CBD products. It’s important to choose reputable CBD brands that adhere to stringent quality control measures to ensure that their products contain only legal amounts of THC.

Consumers should also be aware of the different types of CBD products available, as they may contain varying levels of THC. Full-spectrum CBD products contain all the compounds found in the hemp plant, including THC, while broad-spectrum CBD products contain all the compounds except THC. CBD isolate products only contain pure CBD, with no other compounds present.

Overall, it’s important to do your research and choose a CBD product that meets your specific needs and preferences. With proper attention to quality control and legal regulations, CBD can offer a safe and effective alternative for those seeking natural relief without the mind-altering effects of THC.

The Potential Benefits of CBD

Research has shown that CBD may offer promising therapeutic benefits for a range of conditions, making it a popular option for those seeking natural relief without the psychoactive effects of THC. Some of the potential benefits of CBD include:

  • Pain relief: CBD may help alleviate chronic pain by reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters that regulate pain perception.
  • Anxiety and depression: CBD may have a calming effect on anxiety and mood disorders by influencing brain receptors that control serotonin levels.
  • Epilepsy: CBD has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in some types of epilepsy, leading to the approval of a CBD-based drug for treatment.
  • Inflammation: CBD may reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which can contribute to various conditions such as arthritis and autoimmune disorders.
  • Cancer-related symptoms: CBD may help manage symptoms such as pain, nausea, and loss of appetite associated with cancer and its treatment.
  • Neurological disorders: CBD may have potential in managing symptoms of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

It’s important to note that CBD is not a cure-all and its effectiveness for different conditions may vary. Further research is needed to confirm its potential benefits and optimal dosages for specific conditions.

However, the growing body of evidence supporting CBD’s therapeutic use has opened up new possibilities for alternative medicine and cannabis-based treatments.

CBD as a Promising Cannabis Medicine

With the growing interest in natural and holistic treatments, CBD has emerged as a promising cannabis medicine. Its non-psychoactive nature and potential therapeutic benefits have made it a popular alternative to traditional medications.

Current research shows that CBD may have anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, analgesic, and anxiolytic properties, making it a viable option for treating various medical conditions. For instance, CBD has been found to reduce seizures in patients with epilepsy, alleviate pain and inflammation in individuals with chronic pain, and improve sleep quality in those with insomnia.

Furthermore, CBD may offer a safer alternative to certain pharmaceuticals, as it does not produce the adverse side effects associated with some medications. For example, CBD has been shown to have fewer side effects than traditional antidepressants and anxiolytics.

As a cannabis medicine, CBD has the potential to provide relief without the mind-altering effects of THC, making it an attractive option for those seeking natural, non-intoxicating treatments.


As ongoing research and clinical trials explore the medical potential of CBD, it is becoming increasingly clear that this compound has significant therapeutic benefits. CBD’s non-psychoactive nature and minimal side effects make it a promising alternative to traditional medications for treating various medical conditions.

With its expanding potential and increasing popularity, CBD is poised to revolutionize the medical landscape, offering natural and effective treatments to those in need.

Differentiating CBD Products: Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum, and Isolate

CBD products come in different forms, each with its own composition and effects. Understanding the differences between these products can help you make informed choices based on your preferences and needs.

Full-Spectrum CBD

Full-spectrum CBD products contain all the plant compounds found in hemp, including other cannabinoids like THC, terpenes, and flavonoids. These products offer the most comprehensive and potent effects due to the entourage effect, where all the compounds work together to enhance each other’s benefits. However, full-spectrum CBD products may contain up to 0.3% THC, which may show up on drug tests and cause psychoactive effects.

Broad-Spectrum CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD products contain all the compounds found in full-spectrum products, except for THC. These products offer the benefits of the entourage effect without the risk of psychoactive effects or failed drug tests.

CBD Isolate

CBD isolate products contain only pure CBD, with all other plant compounds removed. These products offer the purest form of CBD and do not contain THC, making them a safe choice for individuals sensitive to other cannabinoids or undergoing regular drug tests. However, CBD isolate products do not offer the potential benefits of the entourage effect, as they lack the other compounds found in hemp.

When choosing between these products, consider your personal preferences and needs. Full-spectrum and broad-spectrum products may offer more comprehensive benefits but may contain trace amounts of THC, while CBD isolate products offer the purest form of CBD but lack the potential benefits of other hemp compounds. Always choose reputable brands that provide third-party lab reports to ensure product quality and safety.

Understanding CBD Dosage and Safety

When it comes to using CBD, proper dosage is essential for safety and effectiveness. However, determining the right dosage can be challenging, as it varies depending on several factors, including weight, age, metabolism, and the condition being treated.

Most CBD products come with recommended dosage guidelines, typically measured in milligrams (mg) per serving. It’s essential to start with the lowest dosage and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired effect. Keep in mind that the effects of CBD may take longer to kick in than other medications, so it’s best to wait a few hours before increasing your dosage.

While CBD is generally considered safe, it may cause some side effects, such as dry mouth, dizziness, and fatigue. However, these side effects are usually mild and temporary, and they tend to occur at higher doses.

It’s also crucial to be aware of potential drug interactions with CBD. CBD can interact with certain medications, including blood thinners and antiepileptic drugs, which may affect their effectiveness. Therefore, it’s vital to consult with a healthcare provider before using CBD if you’re taking any medications.

CBD Dosage Guidelines

When determining your CBD dosage, consider the following factors:

Factor Considerations
Weight Heavier individuals may need higher doses.
Condition More severe conditions may require higher doses.
Tolerance Regular users may need higher doses over time.
Route of Administration Different CBD products may have varying bioavailability, affecting dosage requirements.

Overall, CBD can be a safe and effective alternative to traditional medications, as long as proper dosage guidelines and safety considerations are followed. Always choose reputable CBD brands and consult with a healthcare provider before using CBD if you’re taking any medications.

Legal Status and Regulations Surrounding CBD

The legal status of CBD products varies across different countries and regions. In the UK, CBD is legal as long as it contains less than 0.2% THC. However, the regulations surrounding CBD products can be complex and difficult to navigate.

CBD is classified as a novel food in the UK, meaning that it requires authorization before it can be marketed as a food or dietary supplement. The novel food application process involves safety assessments and must be approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). CBD products that are not authorized as novel foods are considered illegal.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is responsible for regulating medicinal CBD products in the UK. Medicinal CBD products must undergo clinical trials and receive a marketing authorization before they can be prescribed by healthcare professionals.

In the US, the legal status of CBD products is complex and varies by state. The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill, legalized hemp and hemp-derived products, including CBD, at the federal level. However, individual states have their own regulations regarding CBD, and some states have stricter laws than others.

It’s essential to choose reputable CBD brands that adhere to stringent quality control measures and comply with local regulations. By doing so, consumers can ensure that they are purchasing safe and legal CBD products.

Exploring the Science Behind CBD

The scientific community has been investigating the properties and potential benefits of CBD, shedding light on its effectiveness in managing various conditions. The research has focused on its interaction with the endocannabinoid system, a complex network of neurotransmitters and receptors that regulate physiological functions.

Studies show that CBD has an affinity for specific receptors, such as CB1 and CB2, which are involved in pain perception, inflammation, and immunity. By binding to these receptors, CBD can modulate their activity, leading to potential therapeutic effects.

Preclinical studies have demonstrated CBD’s ability to reduce anxiety, depression, and seizures. In human trials, CBD has shown promise in managing chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy.

Research has also explored the potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD, indicating its potential in treating conditions related to oxidative stress and inflammation, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer.

The scientific community continues to conduct research and clinical trials to further understand the mechanisms of action and potential of CBD. By expanding our knowledge of CBD’s properties, we can better understand and maximize its benefits.

Current research and clinical studies

Recent research has focused on the use of CBD for various medical conditions, including:

  • Chronic pain
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Epilepsy and seizures
  • Inflammation and autoimmune diseases
  • Cancer
  • Neurodegenerative diseases

Clinical trials are ongoing to examine the potential of CBD in managing these conditions. The results show promise, yet more research is needed to fully understand the effects of CBD.

“CBD has shown promise in treating a range of medical conditions, and ongoing research provides more insight into its potential. By exploring the science behind CBD, we can better understand and utilize its therapeutic properties.”

Study Condition Findings
Journal of Pain Chronic pain CBD reduces pain and improves sleep quality in patients with chronic pain
Neurotherapeutics Seizures CBD reduces seizure frequency in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy
Frontiers in Pharmacology Anxiety and depression CBD has anxiolytic and antidepressant properties in animal and human studies

While the existing research shows promise, it’s important to note that CBD is not a cure-all and may have varying effects on different individuals. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD for any medical condition.

By examining the research and clinical studies, we can appreciate the potential of CBD as a therapeutic compound. As more studies are conducted, we can build a robust knowledge base on CBD and its potential benefits for human health.

Addressing Common Misconceptions about CBD

There are many misconceptions surrounding CBD, often perpetuated by misinformation online and in popular culture. In this section, we’ll address some of the most common misconceptions and provide factual information to clarify any confusion.

Myth: All cannabis products get you high.

This is perhaps the most persistent myth about CBD. While THC, the psychoactive compound found in cannabis, can cause a “high,” CBD does not have the same effect. CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it does not produce the mind-altering effects commonly associated with cannabis use.

It’s important to remember that CBD is derived from the hemp plant, which contains only trace amounts of THC. By law, CBD products must contain less than 0.2% THC in the UK and less than 0.3% THC in the US. This means that CBD products will not produce a “high” or show up on a drug test.

Myth: CBD is addictive.

Another common misconception is that CBD is addictive. However, there is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, research suggests that CBD may have potential as a treatment for addiction, particularly for those addicted to opioids or other substances.

It’s important to note that CBD products should be used responsibly and in accordance with recommended dosage guidelines. As with any substance, misuse or abuse can lead to negative consequences.

Myth: CBD is only for young people.

While CBD has gained popularity among younger generations, it is not exclusively for them. In fact, CBD may have potential for use in older populations, particularly for managing conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, and age-related cognitive decline.

CBD is generally well-tolerated by people of all ages, although it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or medication regimen.

Myth: CBD is a cure-all.

While CBD has potential therapeutic benefits, it is not a cure-all. CBD should not be viewed as a replacement for conventional medical treatment or medication.

It’s important to remember that while CBD may provide relief for certain conditions, it is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or medication.

By addressing common misconceptions about CBD, we can promote a clearer understanding of its properties and effects. CBD offers promising potential as a natural remedy without the psychoactive effects of THC. However, it’s important to use CBD products responsibly and in accordance with recommended guidelines, and to seek medical advice before starting any new treatment or supplement regimen.

CBD: A Viable Alternative to Traditional Medications

As more people seek natural alternatives to traditional medications, CBD has emerged as a promising option. Unlike prescription drugs that may have a long list of potential side effects, CBD is generally well-tolerated and has a low risk of adverse effects. This makes it an attractive option for those seeking relief from a variety of conditions.

One of the most significant advantages of CBD as an alternative medicine is that it does not produce the psychoactive effects associated with THC. This means that people can take CBD without experiencing the “high” that is often associated with cannabis use. For those who do not want to feel altered states of consciousness or have concerns about the risks associated with THC, CBD may be a safer and more desirable option.

Research suggests that CBD may be effective in managing a range of conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, epilepsy, and inflammation. In some cases, CBD may even offer advantages over traditional medications. For example, studies show that CBD may help reduce the reliance on opioids in pain management or decrease the frequency and severity of seizures in people with epilepsy.

However, it’s essential to note that not all CBD products are created equal, and not all conditions will respond to CBD in the same way. It’s crucial to work with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and type of CBD product for your specific needs. Additionally, it’s important to choose reputable CBD brands that have undergone rigorous testing and adhere to strict quality control measures.

In conclusion, CBD presents an exciting potential as an alternative to traditional medications. With its non-psychoactive nature, promising therapeutic benefits, and growing popularity, many people are turning to CBD as a natural solution for various conditions. As research continues to explore the benefits and limitations of CBD, it’s essential to remain informed and make informed decisions about its use as a complementary or alternative medicine.

The Future of CBD: Emerging Research and Trends

As the popularity of CBD continues to grow, so does the research surrounding its potential uses and benefits.

One trend that has emerged in recent years is the use of CBD for skincare. With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, CBD is being incorporated into a variety of skincare products, such as creams, serums, and masks. This trend is expected to continue as more consumers seek natural alternatives for their skincare routines.

Another area of CBD research is its potential in treating mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Early studies have shown promising results in reducing symptoms and improving overall mood. As mental health awareness continues to increase, CBD may become a valuable tool for those seeking alternative treatments.

Additionally, CBD is being explored as a potential treatment for neurological disorders such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce seizures and improve mobility in those with these conditions. As research continues, CBD may offer hope for those suffering from debilitating neurological conditions.

Overall, the future of CBD looks promising, with ongoing research and advancements in its applications. As the stigma surrounding cannabis and its compounds continues to fade, more people may turn to CBD as a natural, non-psychoactive alternative for their health and wellness needs.


In conclusion, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that does not get you high. Through a side-by-side comparison with THC, we can distinguish the chemical structure and properties of both cannabinoids. CBD’s potential benefits as a medicinal compound, such as managing chronic pain and anxiety, have attracted widespread attention and ongoing research. However, it’s important to understand the differences between types of CBD products and ensure responsible use by following proper dosage guidelines and safety considerations.

Additionally, CBD’s legal status varies across different jurisdictions and staying compliant with local regulations is critical. As we delve into the scientific research and dispel common misconceptions, we can appreciate CBD’s potential as a viable alternative to traditional medications. With ongoing research and exciting developments, CBD offers a promising outlook as a natural remedy for various conditions while avoiding the mind-altering effects of THC.


Q: Does CBD get you high?

A: No, CBD does not have psychoactive effects and does not get you high. Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive and does not produce the euphoric sensation commonly associated with cannabis use.

Q: What is the difference between CBD and THC?

A: CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are both compounds found in cannabis plants, but they have different effects. While THC is psychoactive and produces a high, CBD is non-psychoactive and does not alter your state of mind.

Q: Does CBD contain THC?

A: CBD is typically extracted from hemp plants that contain low levels of THC. While trace amounts may be present in CBD products, they are usually within legal limits, which vary depending on the country or region. Reputable CBD brands adhere to quality control measures to ensure minimal THC content.

Q: What are the potential benefits of CBD?

A: CBD has shown potential in managing various conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, epilepsy, and inflammation. Scientific research suggests that CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating various bodily functions.

Q: Is CBD a viable alternative to traditional medications?

A: CBD has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional medications for certain conditions. It offers potential relief without the psychoactive effects or adverse side effects of certain pharmaceuticals. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your medication regimen.

Q: What are the different types of CBD products?

A: CBD products come in various forms, including full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate. Full-spectrum products contain all the naturally occurring compounds in cannabis, including THC (within legal limits). Broad-spectrum products contain multiple cannabinoids but no THC, while CBD isolate is pure CBD without any other compounds.

Q: What is the recommended CBD dosage and is it safe?

A: CBD dosage varies depending on factors such as body weight, the severity of the condition, and individual sensitivity. It’s best to start with a low dosage and gradually increase until you achieve the desired effects. CBD is generally considered safe, but it may have potential side effects and interactions with certain medications. Consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD.

Q: What is the legal status of CBD?

A: The legal status of CBD varies across different countries and regions. It may be classified as a controlled substance in some jurisdictions, while others permit its use for medicinal purposes. It’s important to understand and comply with local regulations regarding the availability and use of CBD products.

Q: Is there scientific research supporting the use of CBD?

A: Yes, there is existing scientific research and ongoing clinical trials exploring the potential of CBD. Preclinical studies and human trials have investigated CBD’s mechanisms of action and its effectiveness in various conditions. While research is still evolving, CBD shows promise as a therapeutic compound.

Q: What are some common misconceptions about CBD?

A: There are several misconceptions surrounding CBD, such as the belief that all cannabis products get you high or that CBD is addictive. It’s important to separate fact from fiction and rely on scientific evidence to understand CBD’s properties and effects accurately.

Q: What does the future hold for CBD?

A: CBD’s popularity continues to grow, and ongoing research suggests exciting possibilities for its future applications. Emerging trends in CBD research and development may lead to breakthroughs and innovations that expand its potential beyond its current use. The future of CBD looks promising as researchers continue to explore its therapeutic benefits.

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